memang aku tipe orang yang sulit ikhlas dalam memlewati sejumlah memori terkenang. yang aku sadari sungguh sangat berarti. ya, selalu masuk dalam hati. belom pernah aku posting foto - foto waktu kakak aku menikah kan ya? haha ini saatnya!
foto ini diambil waktu udah selesai pengajian. senengnya ples harunya masih kepancar waktu foto ini. hahaha mata lebam abis nangis denger kata-kata mama & mba' Anti :') ungu ungu unyu sekalii :D
hai para pak panitia! haha yep, sebelum akad nikah berlangsung, sabtu pagi tanggal 12 februari 2011 yang lalu, of course at home. dekorasi full white and purple, full flower, full people, full prayer juga ya, amin :) white &purple, holy and elegant.
aku tetap ngga boleh terlupakan XD sama mba' Farah sang pembawa zamzam :p btw, aku pake kostum kaya begituan kaya yang mau nikahin ya, hihihi. apa karena saking tampannya aku malah dikira pengantin cowo'nya ya? wkwk
uwoo, mantabah ya jabatan tangannya! this is it, the point! waktu ijab qobul. mas Agung sama Bapak sebagai wali kakak aku. yep! resmi deh ya jadi masnya aku, selamat selamat :))
kalo ini foto aku sama kakak dan mas aku setelah ijab qobul, miss this photo :*
mama yang berlinang airmata, u,u masih ada aku, mah tenang aja :))
ciecie, ini lho yang lagi bahagiaa :DD
abis itu, keesokan harinya, tepatnya hari ahad tanggal 13 februari 2011 jam 10.00 - 13.00 ada acara syukuran di balai diponegoro, watugong. check it out!
waktu persiapan mau berangkat ke gedung, at home. masku malah nyari grobak sate -_- pie ya mas &__&
kakak aku cantiknya uhuy! much beautiful mwaa
yupsi, ini dekorasi di gedung. temanya islamic and classic, but modern. gold & red which like so glamorous. it was different with the theme before, white & purple which is simple.
ini foto keluarga. don't talk about my costume ya. i'll tell the truth, that my costume was oversize. secara aku cukupnya L1, malah dikasih L4 -_- iya, aku mengerti. adanya cuma itu ya, hmm maklum deh terpaksa wakwakwak
dan ini keluarga dari mama. 11 pasang putra sama putri eyang ples mantu beserta cucu dan cicit. sayangnya kurang lengkap :( *ini aja udah over ya jumlahnya buat kluarga inti eyang doang :p *next time lengkap ya, amin :))
dan ini adalah para tante dan om serta sepupu - sepupu aku dari bapak. kurang lengkap juga, ada yang gaikut foto *nunjuk diri sendiri :p
bagus! panitia yang sakjose. harusnya ada 24 pasang. kalo kurang berarti ada yang masih melakukan tugasnya ya. hmm, keyen keyen :D bisa dijadiin WO ni haha *piss
ini adalah enam dari delapan temen aku yang sengaja aku undang, hehe tenang aja diijinin sama mamaku kok :) thanks ya kedatangannya, kalian membuat aku lebih bahagia pada hari itu :D
pasangan serasi nih bapak sama mama yang masih oke. love you more mwa :*
ihir pasangan pengantin yang oks banget. dandanannya bagus, kakak aku jadi cantik yang sebelumnya ... *ketauan masku langsung kabur* hahaha okey, selamat ya buat mba' Anti sama mas Agung. welcome to the whole new world, keep loving each other, dan sukses dunia akhirat. amin :))
seketika aku merasa lepas dan bahagia melihat foto - foto itu. tak tahu mengapa, mereka yang menikah, aku yang bahagia. sangat bahagia. tangisan itu buktinya, tangisan haru, tangisan pengekspresian kebahagiaan yang tak terkira. selamat untuk kalian berdua. berkah Allah menyertai perjalanan hidup kalian.
love, brother.
lifetime memories
Posted by
Zuhri Arieffasa
so many stories that we had since we had nothing about friendship in the class. yes, some of us had been together since we were junior-high-scholer. but it was not too important if we can know each other. how came? yep, i felt different about my class just now. unique!
this picture was taken in my class when the teacher let himself to not attending into my class.
here was another photo which can be shared when we had a photo competition at SMA 4 Semarang. the theme is about hero. i'm very thankful to my friends who managed, edited, printed this photo out. look at the photo below :)
guess where am i? hahaha superhero means a lot for us. it means we are Indonesian, who will bring our country to the furtherance, of course of being us who will make our dreams come true, amin :)
uwmm then i talk about dreams come true, i'll share a photo when we are a winner of a competition. yep, third winner. hamdalah xixixi
yayaya, third winner of male student dancing competition. supported by all students of Insight, especially friends who were the teachers and taught the dancers, till they got third place. thanks for you all. here a photo of the for dancers, check it out!
then we had to make an exercise to show our dance to others at Independence Day Celebration. the theme was changed from childish to gothic.
thanks for the students from Insight who make our class be alive! semangat yaa :D
this picture was taken in my class when the teacher let himself to not attending into my class.
here was another photo which can be shared when we had a photo competition at SMA 4 Semarang. the theme is about hero. i'm very thankful to my friends who managed, edited, printed this photo out. look at the photo below :)
guess where am i? hahaha superhero means a lot for us. it means we are Indonesian, who will bring our country to the furtherance, of course of being us who will make our dreams come true, amin :)
uwmm then i talk about dreams come true, i'll share a photo when we are a winner of a competition. yep, third winner. hamdalah xixixi
yayaya, third winner of male student dancing competition. supported by all students of Insight, especially friends who were the teachers and taught the dancers, till they got third place. thanks for you all. here a photo of the for dancers, check it out!
then we had to make an exercise to show our dance to others at Independence Day Celebration. the theme was changed from childish to gothic.
thanks for the students from Insight who make our class be alive! semangat yaa :D