Cemancemaaaan, aku udah kengen ni update blog . Setelah sekian lama aku vakum ga internetan . aaaa, Alhamdulillah, Allah ngasi yang terbaik (Insya Allah), hehe . Memang setiap masalah pasti ada jalan keluarnya . Cobaan berat pas UAS kemaren . Aku udah nggak kuat banget . Jujur, waktu itu aku ngrasain hal - hal yang enggak enggak, yang mungkin kalo aku critain ke orang2 mereka akan marah ke aku gara - gara apa yang telah aku lakuin pas seminggu lebih kemaren . ya, pasti ada rasa nyesel-sel-sel-sel se nyeselnyaa . Tapi semuanya udah kejadian, gabisa diulang lagi, nasi udah jadi bubur . Cuma bisa memperbaiki dan nambah kebaikan buat nutupin semuamuamua kesalahan yang udah aku perbuat . mungkin orang - orang terdekatpun nggak nyadar dengan apa yang udah aku lakuin, yaaa, cerita - ceritaku yang mbuat mereka ngerti .

"IN THE END" means a lot for me . i wrote the title like that caused the end of this first semestre is meaningful . its my opinion over the things that i have . sooo impossible that human doesn't have anything that make them become better and better . similarly with me whose things could make me know what the life is . From first thing, to second thing, it happened continously and became one . "amburadul" word i could say at that time . maybe some people can say that i was getting stress or more than that . I can just take the meaning from one and another .

yeah, the things what i would tell you all are about school, hehe . The most meaningful things at my life *over -.-* are from my new school . senior high school . mmmm, it began when i joined an extracuricullar *sensored* which spent my times round my days at my first semester . huh ~! *if you want to know what did i do, ask me :p*

Let me tell you about them ! First, i had to face UAS : tests at the last of semester . It veryyyy made me --> kemrungsung . beside i didn't understand with some subject (ex : chemistry and physic), my time would spend with the extracurricular caused it would have a birthday party on December 11, 2010 . my job : consumption side -_- veryvery made me dizzy with that words . You can imagine what confuse i was . I had to divide my times wisely, and finally i couldnt make it be done . what's the effect ? I got stress . It let my mind to go to the max . You can imagine it .

Finally, at the last of this semester, i wanna resign from the extracurricular that i had told you at first . I wish it will be smooth like i want . Amen . Remember : I wish, I may, I could ^^