Sedikit Cerita

Mario Kecil

Saat itu saya kelas 4 di SD Poerwantoro - Malang, dan Ibu menyuruh saya belajar mengaji di surau kecil di kampung sebelah.

Setiap sebelum Maghrib, saya sudah berdebar gelisah, karena jarak yang kira-kira 600 meter dari rumah ke surau - bagi anak sekecil itu - cukup jauh, melalui sawah, yang kalau malam gelap dan mengerikan.

Sesampai di surau, Pak Ustad menyuruh saya adzan. Awalnya saya menolak, karena saya belum pernah melakukannya, dan yang terbayang di benak kecil saya saat itu - seluruh kampung berhenti melakukan apa pun untuk mendengarkan adzan saya yang fals.

Ooh .. kaki saya gemetaran, jantung sudah di leher, bibir jalan-jalan sendiri ke mana-mana, tapi apa daya … Pak Ustad memaksa.

Saya berdiri seperti wayang kulit ditiup angin, dan mengeluarkan semua 'tenaga dalam' yang sudah gembos sejak tadi itu - untuk mulai melantunkan adzan.

Sejenak setelah saya mulai, terdengar kegelisahan di dalam surau, dan Pak Ustad menowel kaki saya, dan berbisik: Heh … salah. Ulangi …"

Saya memulai lagi, Pak Ustad nowel lagi. Saya coba lagi lebih keras, Pak Ustad nowel lebih keras. Saya coba lagi sangat keras, Pak Ustad menarik sarung saya dan memaksa saya duduk.

Ooh … dunia ini terasa sangat kejam kepada anak kecil yang ketakutan dan terpaksa.

Seorang anak kecil yang lain di suruh Pak Ustad berdiri menggantikan saya, yang dengan fasih dan indah melantunkan adzan di Maghrib yang galau itu.

Teman saya itu juara ngaji di surau itu, dan mungkin sekarang sudah jadi anggota MUI.

Saya berjalan gontai, lupa akan semua hantu dan jin yang selama ini memomoki pikiran kecil saya - setiap saya menembus jalan di tengah sawah yang gulita itu.

Di rumah, Ibu bertanya: Lasise', kenapa kamu diam?

Saya menggeleng dengan wajah yang hampir robek dengan tangis. Saya masuk kamar dan menangis, merasa demikian rendah karena gagal di hadapan seluruh kampung.

Hati saya yang masih kecil itu berdoa, semoga saya akan menjadi lebih kuat menghadapi kegagalan dan kekecewaan saat saya dewasa nanti.

Dan saya berjanji, tidak akan berlaku kasar dan semena-mena menggampangkan kesedihan anak-anak saya di masa depan, saat mereka merasa kecewa karena kegagalan.

Orang tua tidak boleh menyepelekan rasa kecewa anak kecil, karena bagi anak kecil - kekecewaan mereka terasa lebih besar daripada kekecewaan orang dewasa.

Setelah kejadian yang memalukan di surau itu, saya tetap melakukan kesalahan dan gagal dalam banyak hal, menyesal dan menangis, terkadang bersembunyi menanggung malu, tapi saya seperti bola bekel - tetap melanting naik setelah jatuh, dan semakin tinggi lantingan saya - jika saya dibanting.

Ternyata, bukan jatuhnya yang penting, tapi bangkitnya.

Ternyata, semakin keras bantingan hinaan kepada kita, semakin tinggi kita dinaikkan oleh Tuhan - jika kita ikhlas.

Sayangilah anak-anak kecil.

Merekalah tempat kita bersandar di masa tua.

Mario Teguh - Loving you all as always

Party for Putri

Last Tuesday was very special for my close friend, Putri. She celebrated her sixteenth birthday. Actually at that day we did not to go to school because my classmates and I didn't have any important thing to do there. Yea, just some of students in the class including Putri that went to school to do some assignments and get more informations. Cus I loved her as a good friend, I gave her some prayers at 00.03 a.m at that Tuesday via twitter, and she replied happily via twitter too.

Putri, My classmates, and I, didn't have any celebration like party or another special activity. Just said happy birthday to her and continued our activity. But behind Putri, Ifo, Hayyu, Odi, Irma, Mona, and I had a plan to make surprise to Putri on Wednesday. -I'm sorry to my friends because I came late to school. They had waited me approximately 30 minutes or maybe an hour, I'm sorry friends :)- After that we came into the classroom with bringing a cute tart cake complete with candles formed one and six, then sang a birthday song to Putri. She was very happy and enjoyed her time with us and the other classmates.

At the next Thursday, that was the time to gather with zuhri and the gank (?) Yep, Cameroon. Ahsin came first, the Dita, than I came at ten minutes to five p.m. Until fifteen six o'clock, Agus and Ajie came to Putri's house. Anggun and Ian were not coming, Nastiti and Farhan (Putri's) told us that they wouldn't come to Putri's Syukuran.

Something made Putri disappointed was the time when Farhan told Putri (on Tuesday) that he wouldn't come to Putri's house. At that time, Putri looked so upset and it made her mood became down. As far as I knew, she updated her twitter status like this : disappointed indeed. I asked her why, and she DM-ed me that her sweetheart couldn't come on Wednesday cus Farhan had to go somewhere far away from Semarang with his family, and she said that she was totally bad mood. I just replied to be patient and I said that her best friends and I would come to give her more fun.

Kha -__- after Maghrib, Nastiti came with bringing a tart cake special for Dita, Ajie, and Putri which have birthday December 6, 8, and 13. But you know what? The candles were broken. Finally Putri decided to use candles from the tart cake from her classmates. Then all of us sang Birthday Song togetherm then 3 of us blew the candle (?) --> It happened two times because at the first time they blew I hadn't record yet :p

After that we played together, we sang, we joke, and did something fun. Suddenly the door opened while tadaa, Farhan was coming with special tart cake with complete with candle. Putri looked so surprising and she didn't realize that her half heart (?) was in front of her eyes. But unfortunately Ahsin had home before Nastiti and Farhan came. She had to prepared for her trip to Bali in the morning of the next day.

Oh ya, when Farhan came, not only Putri, but also Dita, Nastiti, and I felt so surprising with Farhan's coming. Actually I knew that Farhan would give his sweetheart a surprise, but I didn't tell to Putri :p. In a minute the condition became warmer and we felt that we're a big happy family ckakaka.

Finished eating cake and joking each other, the sweetest memory came to us, when we talked about our own story. Someone that had not yet told about his/her story was me. When I was opening uber social, some of my best friends that were contained Agus, Farhan, Dita, Nastiti, and Putri asked me who was I fallin' in love with. Yea, I answered that I was not feelin' love with someone, but I was admiring someone who was smart, rajin sholat, rajin ngaji, adolenscent, and such a good listener. She was *red penciled* he he. Before I answered, actually Dita and Nastiti had a same feeling for me to answer, that was same feeling like my answer. Just admired, not loved.

The party finished when we had a dinner together. My dad called me when I was eating the sixth bribe. He asked for me to come home soon, because that was at 8.45 p.m. The second call was from my mom at 9.00 o'clock, she asked for me to go home at that time. Because it was very night (?). But I left Putri's house at 10.00 o'clock with Dita by Taxi. The party was done successfully :))

Predikat A

Once in a blue moon, i heard something special at that day. If you want to know the date is approximately eighteen months ago. It happened after I text my mom that i had been passed the first step in student recruitment of Senior High School 3 Semarang, which is a popular school around Indonesia that has a good prestige and such a quality school around country.

Yea, it is such a good story that I can't forget. "Mah *usually I called her in a short massage*, I just passed the first step in the student recruitment of Senior High School 3. Pray for me for the next step which is the last step". Then my mom replied, "Alkhamdulillah mas, I'm happy now". Out of the blue I made tears at that time at that situation with my friends around me. I said, "Wow! Thanks God! I can make my mom's happy, alhamdulillah". You know what, it's my habit for me from I was a child until now, my mom is very talkative to me and she liked to teaching me, telling me something, and giving informations to me that sometimes could make me happy, sad, even crying *spoiled boy -_-* ha..ha..

How happy I was at that time. I could make my mom happy you know!! This was a good achievement that seldom or almost never be happened in my whole life *durhaka* huakakak..

Same as my experience, it happened to my sister just yesterday. She has just graduated from University of Gadjahmada, Yogyakarta. My sister, Anti, took a master degree of Psychology. Mba Anti got an 'A'. How good she is ??? *I'm turn green with envy*. Ha..Ha.. I just say "alhamdulillah, Thank to Allah.. Wish you be more successful in every way of life. Congratulations!", but i didn't show my expression to much *lebay*, because I thought that she can, she will. When I read her message, I just smiled at my phone, speechless. I just updated my status on facebook *cus at that time I was opening my facebook account*, then I replied her message.

Just a moment ago, as a naughty boy, I opened my mom's inbox in her cellphone. Ckakaka actually i didn't want to know her message to my sissy, even I didn't know that my sis and my mom had some conversations by short message, because as I knew both of them made a talk by phone, not by short message.

I read some beautiful sentence there, "congratulations dek Anti. I'm proud to have a girl like you. I wish Allah will always beside you and give the best way for your life. Once again, Congratulation", how couldn't I cry? Crying because of a happiness.

Those are some lifetime achievements from my sissy and me for mom. love you, mom..


since a long long time ago, I didn't open photoscape. It such a software to help users edit their photos to be a good pictures. yep, I like that software. Before I edit my photo, it seems like a usual picture, but it will be amazing after I edit it. Let's see my ordinary photos, but full of memory there :)
the picture above is a very nice picture that drawn by my friend, Wulan. I take a picture of that 5 months ago in my classroom. Wulan drew cartoon's style of her classmate on the whiteboard in my classroom, when the class's none of teacher. yea, let me say Devinda from th
e left side, then Rifqi, Me, Anisa, Ifo, Ayu, Bagas, Desi, Della, Laras, and Edu at the ri
ght corner side. I like that funny picture, caused Wulan drew us with our own specifications :))

then, here is a picture of me with my best fellas, Laras and Dimas.
that photo was taken at Novy's Birthday Celebration. My friend and I didn't expect before that we would meet each other with the same colour of costume. HAHA, cinta Indonesia, right? Red and White are like our National Flag. Tinggal dikerek langsung hormat, ckakaka :D

and the last, special for my Dita, Putri, Farhan, Agus. Huekeke, teman sepanjang masa Insya Allah :D. As the thing that made me miss them a lot XD. this is it!
that's all about my edited photos among my friends and me. but there are some photos that i wouldn't rather share them in this blog caused I wasn't taken there :D hehe

Wishes for Tomorrow

jika Anda berharap dalam tidur Anda malam ini,
Tuhan membebaskan hati Anda dari kegalauannya,
dan membersihkan pikiran Anda dari kekhawatiran
yang memburamkan kejelasan tujuan Anda,

dan jika Anda berharap,
esok pagi Tuhan memudahkan penerimaan yang baik
di hati sesama terhadap niat dan upaya baik Anda,
dan membuka keran-keran rezeki
yang menjadi kerinduan hati Anda
dan keluarga terkasih.

Semoga Tuhan mendahulukan jawaban bagi doa-doa Anda.


Quoted from MTGW :))